Personalized Promotions
Intellicart equipped with AI and sensors can display personalized offers and promotional content based on a shopper’s behavior, location in the store, and purchase history. This enables retailers to target customers with relevant deals as they shop, improving the chances of conversion.
Personalization in marketing means using customer data to target and retarget leads with a message that speaks directly to specific customers’ interests, needs, demographics, and buying behavior.
With personalized marketing, your customers feel like your brand message was made just for them. This is why personalized marketing is also called one-on-one marketing or individual marketing.
When companies like Amazon, Netflix, and YouTube use an algorithm to automate suggested products, films, and videos for you to explore based on what you search for, purchase, and watch on their sites and the viewing habits of other users with tastes similar to yours, they are using personalized marketing.
Integrating personalization into your overall marketing efforts lets you connect with leads in a more human and meaningful way at all stages of their buying journeys. This results in:
- Better relationships with them
- Higher customer engagement
- Improved brand reputation
- Increased brand loyalty
- Improved lead generation rates
- Increased repeat purchases
- Increase in sales/revenue
- Improved bottom lines